CYFN Update

Quick Links
Message From the Chiefs
Current Situation
COVID-19 Still Present Across Yukon, Some Restrictions Remain in Effect
The coronavirus is still present in most Yukon communities, and it can still be dangerous, especially to someone who is immunocompromised, or has a pre-existing health condition. For this reason, a number of public health measures remain in place until further notice. For example, it is still mandatory to wear a mask in some locations, including schools, daycares, long-term care homes, health facilities, shelters, group homes, the correctional centre, and hospitals. You may also be required to wear a mask in some businesses and venues. For more information on the COVID-19 restrictions in effect across Yukon, click here.
Household Safety
What To Do if You, a Housemate or a Family Member Tests Positive
In the event that you or someone in your home or in your family tests positive, the first step is to self-isolate. The next step is to review federal and territorial guidance that will help you prevent further spread of the virus. Based on this guidance you can determine how long to isolate, when to seek medical attention, how to determine who may have been a close contact and more. If you have any questions or need assistance, click here or dial 8-1-1 for 24-hour health advice.
Vaccinations & Boosters
When Should I Get My Next Dose?
Here’s a chart to help you figure out the optimal time for your next dose. If you have any personal health questions or concerns, be sure to check with your doctor. You can also call 8-1-1 if you have general questions about COVID-19 vaccines.
Youth Vaccinations
Vaccine Information for Children Ages 5-11
Vaccines are the best protection against COVID-19 infection. Information for parents and guardians on the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11 years old is now available on the Government of Yukon website. To read the handout, click here.
Current Restrictions & Recommendations
Is Proof of Vaccination Still Required?
Yes. Even though the State of Emergency was lifted in March, you may still be asked to show proof of vaccination in some settings. To get your proof of vaccination information, click here.
Current Restrictions & Recommendations
Understanding the Impacts of “Long COVID”
When people still show symptoms of COVID-19 for weeks or months after their initial recovery, it’s called post COVID-19 condition. It’s also known as long COVID. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, there have been reports of more than 100 symptoms or difficulties with everyday activities following COVID-19 infections. About 80% of adults reported 1 or more symptoms in the short term (4 to 12 weeks after their initial COVID-19 infection). About 60% reported 1 or more symptoms in the long term (more than 12 weeks after their initial COVID-19 infection). And 10% said that they were also unable to return to work in the long term. To learn more, click here.

Safe Travel Map
Community Travel
Latest Travel Advisories
- (March 10, 2022) Champagne & Aishihik First Nations/Village of Haines Junction
- (March 10, 2022) Ross River Dena Council COVID-19 Dashboard
- (Jan 18, 2022) Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation “Stay Home if Sick” Notice
- (Jan 8, 2022) Trondek Hwech’in Daycare Closure Notice
- (Dec 10, 2021) Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation – Council Resolution
Stay Informed
Community Travel Directory
Prior to travelling, visit the websites and Facebook pages of the communities you’ll be visiting. Watch for COVID-19 updates including local public health measures, adjusted store hours, and openings/closures of facilities and attractions. If you plan to visit Yukon communities, please follow public health measures, stay safe and travel respectfully.
Yukon First Nations
- Carcross Tagish First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Kluane First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Kwanlin Dun First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Liard First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Ross River Dena Council (GOV) (MAP)
- Selkirk First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Ta’an Kwäch’än Council (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Teslin Tlingit Council (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Trondek Hwech’in (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- Vuntut Gwich’in First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
- White River First Nation (GOV) (MAP) (FB)
Provincial and Territorial Travel Requirements
Travelling Elsewhere in Canada
If you’re travelling outside of the Yukon but within Canada, visit these websites to see the latest COVID-19 restrictions and exemptions in effect when traveling to or through the provinces and territories:
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
- Saskatchewan
For international travel, click here.
Abbott PanBio Rapid Antigen Test
Abbott PanBio Instruction SheetBTNX Rapid Test
BTNX Instruction SheetLucira Rapid Molecular Test
Lucira Instruction SheetWhich Rapid Testing Options Are Available in my Community?
As of February 1, 2022, Yukon communities now have four rapid testing solutions available to help with COVID-19 detection:
- Abbot PanBio At-Home Rapid Antigen Test (CYFN)
- Lucira Rapid Molecular Test (CYFN)
- BTNX Rapid Response At-Home Rapid COVID-19 Test (CYFN)
- Roche COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (CYFN/YG)
Rapid tests are safe and less-invasive that standard PCR tests, and can provide results in just a few minutes. Encourage your friends and family to become familiar with all of the rapid testing options, recognizing that not all tests are alike, and access to some tests may be limited at times.
Searching For a Test?
Talk to your First Nation health representative about which tests are currently available in your community, and how to arrange for pick-up or delivery.
You can also contact the territorial agent in your community for more information about the Government of Yukon’s rapid testing program.
Your community Health Centre can also be a helpful resource if you have questions about rapid tests and/or PCR tests.
Rapid Testing FAQ
- When should I take a rapid test?
- What should I do if I test positive using a rapid test?
- What should I do if I test negative but still have symptoms?
- Will I be eligible for WCB coverage if I test positive at work?
- What should I do if someone in my house tests positive for COVID-19? Do I need to self-isolate?
- When should I request a PCR test?
Other Resources
Yukon Updates

Quick Links
COVID-19 Dashboard
The Government of Yukon’s new COVID-19 Dashboard provides case count data, test positivity rates, vaccination and hospitalization data, historical data and more. Updated daily from Monday-Friday. To view the Dashboard click here.
COVID-19 Updates Playlist
To watch any of the Government of Yukon’s COVID-19 Updates from March 12, 2020 to present, select the playlist menu on the video above, or click here.
Latest COVID-19 Update
State of Emergency
State of Emergency No Longer in Effect
Yukon lifted its State of Emergency on March 16, 2022. A State of Emergency was declared on November 13, 2021 and extended on February 3, 2022) under the Civil Emergency Measures Act. A number of restrictions have been lifted, however Yukoners and visitors are being asked to continue following territorial, regional and community-level safety measures as a way to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed.
Restrictions & Recommendations
Most Restrictions Lifted, But Some Remain
The Yukon Government asks that residents and visitors continue to follow the current COVID-19 Safety Restrictions, as recommended by Chief Medical Officer of Health. The Government of Yukon’s schedule for lifting these temporary health measures is available here.
Latest COVID-19 News Releases
The Government of Yukon has significantly reduced the number of news releases related to COVID-19, however there may be some new announcements from time to time. For a summary of recent news releases and video updates, click here.
Forging Ahead
Forging Ahead: Yukon’s Continuing Response to COVID-19
Released in 2021, Forging Ahead was developed to guide the way forward as we adapt to living with COVID-19 risk. The Government of Yukon will continue to support Yukoners and manage the next steps following the lifting of the State of Emergency. To see the plan, click here. To view the infographic, click here.
COVID-19 Risk
How to Assess Your COVID-19 Risk
As public health measures ease, it’s important to assess your own COVID-19 risk when attending a gathering, event or group activity. These 5 key factors can help you assess your risk: Vaccination status, people, space, time and place. To assess your risk, follow this chart or click here for more information.
Data provided by the Government of Yukon
Updated daily Monday to Friday
Data provided by the Government of Yukon
Updated daily Monday to Friday
Data provided by the Government of Yukon
Updated daily Monday to Friday
National Updates

Quick Links
Interactive Data Visualization of COVID-19 in Canada
This interactive data map of COVID-19 in Canada shows the number of active, recovered and total cases, tests and deaths over time for province and territories.
Current Vaccination Coverage Across Canada
This interactive data map illustrates current vaccination coverage in all provinces and territories.
Why Get A Booster Dose?
Mental Health & Wellness
COVID-19 Support
COVID-19: Financial Support for People, Businesses and Organizations
The Government of Canada is taking immediate and significant action through the Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to support people, businesses and organizations facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Learn more
Ask the Experts COVID-19 Vaccine Questions
Canadian medical professionals answer questions about the approval and use of MRNA vaccines, along with questions about benefits and effectiveness of the different vaccines and questions on vaccine safety, ingredients and side effects. Click here to see the videos and transcripts.
Data & Trends
Provincial, Territorial and International Reporting
Monitor the latest COVID-19 data, reporting and trends for all Canadian provinces and territories along with recognized international health organizations:
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Dr Raywat Deonandan, Epidemiologist talks about Living with COVID-19
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How to do the BTNX Rapid Response COVID-19 rapid antigen test with a throat + nasal swab sample
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One Yukon
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