FOR RELEASE November 7, 2017 Funding increased for extended-family care The Government of Yukon is increasing the financial assistance provided through Extended Family Care Agreements (EFCAs) to match the funding…
Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations approve next steps for collaboration on joint priorities
FOR RELEASE September 29, 2017 Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations approve next steps for collaboration on joint priorities Caption: Premier Sandy Silver and Grand Chief Peter Johnston, as…
FOR RELEASE: September 5, 2017 The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) highlight experiences of First Nations in the Yukon Criminal Justice system Whitehorse,…
FOR RELEASE June 26, 2017 Government officials meet to begin discussions on mining work plan Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai and Council of Yukon First Nations Grand…
FOR RELEASE: June 23, 2017 CYFN to host the 37th Annual General Assembly and celebrations Whitehorse, Yukon – The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) will host the 37th Annual…
FOR RELEASE June 20, 2017 Community events celebrate National Aboriginal Day across Yukon Yukoners and visitors will have many opportunities to celebrate National Aboriginal Day, which was declared a statutory…
Government of Yukon and First Nations to collaborate on shared priorities Yukon’s premier and chiefs committed to work together on a number of shared priorities at today’s Yukon Forum. FOR…
FOR RELEASE March 16, 2017 Government of Yukon, First Nations and industry stand together on key issues Premier Silver attended the Yukon First Nation leadership meeting this week to discuss…
FOR RELEASE March 17, 2017 Canada, Yukon and First Nations governments meet at the Intergovernmental Forum in Whitehorse Intergovernmental Forum leaders meet in Whitehorse. Caption: Intergovernmental Forum leaders meet in…
FOR RELEASE March 3, 2017 Government of Yukon launches ColonCheck Yukon program and awareness campaign The Government of Yukon is launching a Yukon-wide ColonCheck screening program and an awareness campaign…