Government of Yukon launches ColonCheck Yukon program and awareness campaign

March 3, 2017

Government of Yukon launches ColonCheck Yukon program and awareness campaign

The Government of Yukon is launching a Yukon-wide ColonCheck screening program and an awareness campaign promoting pre-screening for colon cancer.

Along with its partners, the Government of Yukon has brought the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada’s Giant Colon Tour to Whitehorse to promote the new campaign in time for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March. The Giant Colon Tour has been created to inform the public about the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer as well as the other diseases of the colon.

This multimedia experience provides important health information to Yukoners and helps encourage colorectal cancer prevention. The Giant Colon Tour will be on display at the Canada Games Centre on March 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


“ColonCheck Yukon responds to the needs of Yukoners and is part of a continuum of quality services to enhance the health and well-being of Yukon people. Screening programs like this one can save lives. It is free and accessible across Yukon.”

–Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

“Cancer has impacted many Yukon First Nations people. This initiative is a collaborative effort to increase cancer screening specifically for colorectal cancer. I encourage Yukon First Nations to get screened.”

–Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

“I am encouraging all Yukoners aged 50 to 74 to talk with their health provider at their next checkup about getting screened for colorectal cancer. If caught early, colon cancer is 90 per cent curable.”

–Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley

“Whitehorse General Hospital is pleased to be part of a collaborative effort to ensure Yukoners have access to cancer screening. With the support of partners, including the Government of Yukon, we’ve been able to make key investments in our people and lab diagnostic equipment in order to provide timely results and treatment.”

–Yukon Hospital Corporation chief executive officer Jason Bilsky

Quick facts

Colorectal cancer is the second highest cause of cancer death in Yukon for men, and third highest for women.
Since fall 2016, 356 people have been screened for colon cancer. Of those, 48 per cent were men and 52 per cent were women.
Being physically active, eating lots of fruits, vegetables and fibre, reducing intake of red and processed meats, and minimizing alcohol intake can help reduce the chances of colorectal cancer.
Learn more: ColonCheck Yukon


Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Julie Ménard
Communications, Health and Social Services

Stephanie Brown
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations

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