Schedule of Events:
Blood Ties – 6189 6th Avenue:
Support Circle: To be held inside at Blood Ties Four Directions for community members to talk about their experiences with an Elder and support staff (smudging will be offered).
Naloxone training: Naloxone training and education, art memorial project, and refreshments outside at Blood Ties Four Directions
11:30am to 11:45am
Opening Prayer
Welcoming Remarks: Representatives from Blood Ties Four Directions, Lived Experience Advisory Group and the Council of Yukon First Nations
Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre Firepit– 1171 Front Street:
11:45am to 12:15pm
Come together and walk from Blood Ties to Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre
12:15pm to 2:00pm
Sacred fire with fire keeper and opportunities to share experiences.
Lunch will be provided.