As the new owner of Lot 335 at 10 Eldorado Drive, the Council of Yukon first Nations is supporting the Whistle Bend Garden Association with the relocation of garden equipment to their new location.
The Garden infrastructure and materials listed below will need to be transported to the new garden site at Lot 415, Plan 2016-0047 LTO (located roughly one block from Lot 335) in the Whistle Bend Subdivision (See parcel map).
Contractors are asked to plan appropriately to target completion of the work before October 31, 2022.
Scope of Work Document (Download):
CYFN is requesting bids on the following Scope of Work:
• Relocation of 13 empty planter beds, approximately 10x6ft each (see photo 1)
• Note: 1 planter bed is damaged (see photo 2) and shall be moved to the new site and repaired, or if irreparable, to be replaced with a newly constructed planter bed using the wood available on-site.
• Relocation of wood materials used to construct planter beds to new site (see photo 3)
• Relocation of 8x16ft greenhouse (see photo 4) to new site
• Relocation of 8x16ft unconstructed shed (still in box) to new site
• Relocation of 3300-gallon water tank (see photo 5) with footprint of roughly 10x10ft, to new site
• Dismantling of perimeter fencing, with salvage and transportation of 4×4 posts to new site/laydown area
• Transportation and relocation of bulk soils and/or compost (see photo 6) currently at 10 Eldorado Drive to new site
• Installation of an 8 x 8 free-standing project sign at 10 Eldorado Drive
Elective scope of work to be priced separately (the Garden Association may pursue this scope with the selected contractor should an approved site plan be available at the time of relocation):
• Installation of perimeter fencing (exact location to be confirmed by garden)
• Exact siting, installation, and filling of garden beds
Site Photos: Lot 335

Supplementary Information to Include in Bids
- As noted in the announcement of the request for bids, preference will be given to Yukon First Nations bidders, or companies that employ Yukon First Nations. Please include information in your bid indicating if you are a Yukon First Nations-owned business or will be employing Yukon First Nations for this job.
- As noted in the project scope document, please provide:
- One bid for the disassembly, transport and re-assembly for the Garden Association materials, including perimeter fencing, and
- A separate bid for the installation of the perimeter fence at the new location. Note, simple postholes for the fence posts are sufficient, setting them in concrete is not required.
- Please include any information related to similar sized projects that your company has undertaken previously.
- Please include contacts of clients who can provide references of your company’s previous work.
- Completion of this job before winter is critical. Please provide a timeline that shows your projected completion of the project before Oct. 31, 2022.