January 5, 2017
Government of Yukon and First Nations to meet for Yukon Forum
Yukon’s premier and chiefs have agreed to hold a Yukon Forum on January 13. The first Yukon Forum between chiefs and Premier Sandy Silver will focus on developing the framework for a new relationship between the Government of Yukon and First Nation governments. This meeting will set the stage for an ongoing relationship based on partnership, respect and cooperation.
“Government-to-government relations are a priority going into the Yukon Forum. This meeting provides an opportunity for Yukon First Nations and the Yukon government to establish common goals while building better working relations that will benefit all Yukoners.”
–Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston
“Kwanlin Dün First Nation looks forward to the second Yukon Forum in a number of years. While our governments are distinctive and independent, many of our goals are interrelated. The forum is an excellent venue to discuss our common issues, share ideas and strengthen relationships going forward, which in many respects is the intent of our modern day treaties.”
– Kwanlin Dün First Nation Chief Doris Bill
“Good governance in Yukon means respectful collaboration with First Nations. We are entering into our discussions with a spirit of reconciliation. Our first formal Yukon Forum with chiefs will focus on rebuilding relationships and establishing the processes and protocols for how we work together as governments.”
–Premier Sandy Silver
Quick facts
Premier Sandy Silver and members of caucus attended a First Nations leadership meeting in mid-November.
The Yukon Forum was created in 2005 under the Cooperation in Governance Act to formalize the government-to-government relationship between the Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations.
The Yukon Forum provides an opportunity to discuss and determine common priorities and opportunities for cooperation and collaboration.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Communications, Aboriginal Relations, Executive Council Office
Stephanie Brown
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations
Marie-Louise Boylan
Communications, Kwanlin Dün First Nation
867-633-7800 ext. 112